Whether or not it came in like a lion or a lamb, March is National Nutrition Month, and as a registered and licensed dietitian, let me say; Welcome! Dietetic students learn early on in their training the importance of nutrition outreach to the public. Regardless of our everyday roles in hospitals, long-term care, grocery stores,…
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My Favorite Baked Potato and Leek Soup
Love baked potato soup, but feel like it’s too much work or too heavy and caloric? Most of the goodness comes from the name itself; the potato has to be baked to get the delicious, hearty potato taste. I love this soup for many reasons; of course at the top of the list is the taste,…
Food Allergies:
Some food allergies are immediate and can have severe consequences if the individual does not receive immediate medical attention. We often hear about children with nut allergies that are unable to sit at a table where another child is eating peanuts; this is an example of a Type 1 IgG food allergy. In comparison, a…
My Favorite Turkey Burger Recipe:
Do you want to love turkey burgers, but the lean meat ends up being so dry that you have to add sauce or cheese to them to make them taste better? The beauty of turkey is that its mild flavor will readily accept any seasoning or twist. The secret ingredient to my turkey burger; green…
Tortilla Soup:
Nothing is better on a cold day than hot soup! Especially hot soup with a kick! My family knows that Tortilla Soup will be on the menu during the winter months; they will come home to this spicy soup served with their choice of toppings, including sour cream or plain Greek yogurt, tortilla strips, and…
Best Overall Diet of the Year for 2019:
Out of 41 eating plans, the Mediterranean diet ranks the “best overall diet” for 2019 by US News and World Report. This eating plan also ranked high in other categories of diets; best for Diabetes, easiest to follow, and best for healthy eating. The word diet itself can come across as restrictive. Focusing on only…