Medical Nutrition Therapy
When you need food and nutrition information based on fact or need to know how a healthy diet improves health and fights disease—rely on qualified professionals in the field.
Dietitians are part of the holistic team that can help you get on the path to wellness. Dietitians work in tandem with physicians, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologists and other disciplines to ensure that you address the concerns of the whole body.
Are you under the care of a physician or other specialist that recommended that you see a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist to improve your health? Complete the intake information below to set up a consultation to take charge of your health!
Weight Management Coaching
According to a recent Harris Poll, only 14% of people who have successfully lost weight have been able to keep it off for more than five years. Why are some more successful than others at keeping it off? Those who have experienced long-term success often view their new habits as a lifestyle and not a quick fix and they often enlist the help of others for accountability.
Do you keep putting your weight and health goals aside for others? Have you said to yourself “I’ll work on my weight after the kids are in school or after I move, get a job, and on an on? Many of us fall into the same trap and think if we joined a gym or bought a particular piece of equipment that it would automatically give us the results we wanted. Only we realize that there is no magic bullet to weight loss.
You have to consider that your current situation is a reflection of your current lifestyle. Do you always park your car far from the mall or grocery store, do you prefer the stairs over the elevator? Do you buy fresh foods or convenience foods at the grocery store? These individual behaviors create patterns that yield a lifestyle.
No single food or exercise will transform our lives or change our bodies. Instead, we must change our eating and lifestyle patterns for long term results. I want to help you live a lifestyle that supports the way you want to look. See the options below and find which plan is right for you. Don’t put it off any longer, take charge of your health today!