Out of 41 eating plans, the Mediterranean diet ranks the “best overall diet” for 2019 by US News and World Report. This eating plan also ranked high in other categories of diets; best for Diabetes, easiest to follow, and best for healthy eating.
The word diet itself can come across as restrictive. Focusing on only the constraints rarely contributes to a plan’s success. Clients can tend to focus on foods that they need to avoid and immediately label them as “bad.” Imagine the message we are sending our body when we eat the so-called bad foods not included in our “diet.”
Instead, I think of it as the Mediterranean Lifestyle plan which is an all-encompassing approach to not only what foods we choose to eat but with whom we eat, and when we eat. The cultures from this region embrace mindful eating principles, and mealtimes focus on spending time with others.
Key Features of the Plan
- The focus is on plant-based foods including vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts versus protein from animal sources.
- Olive oil is the fat of choice and used in most preparations.
- Fish and shellfish dishes are prepared simply and consumed more often than red meat. Egg and dairy consumption is more frequent but eaten in small quantities.
- Refined sugar and white flour consumption are considerably less than found in Western diets if consumed at all.

Nutrition professionals like the diet, because of its efficacy in the management and prevention of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Followers of the plan love the fresh variety. Thinking of the Mediterranean eating plan conjures up images of an abundance of colorful foods varying in texture and flavor. Sun-kissed fruits and vegetables, fresh fish from the sea dressed with local olive oil, and prepared simply! Take cues from this regional eating pattern and make it your own and you’ll stay on the Path to Wellness. Want to makeover your current eating patterns but aren’t sure how–choose Nutrition for Life! Call or email today to schedule an appointment!
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